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Sunday, 9 January 2011

Time To Be Alarmed

What do you think when one of your ham radio buddies is suddenly not around any more? If they are over fifty you think the worst but if they are a bit younger you suspect they found a new woman or something. Sometimes we get surprised like the time a wrinkly old 96 year old G2 turned up with twenty something fashion model on his arm and told anyone who would listen that he was going to be a daddy again.

It was that long since we had heard from our friend Dave 2W0PWR that we thought he had given up radio completely or emigrated. He was no longer even part of the "Tell you who we haven't heard for a while" conversations. Dave had not moved away but had set himself a big project that left little time for anything else, Dave had gone in to business. Now I don't normally plug anything none radio related but I feel I should give Dave a plug so here it comes...

Alarm Boyz supply, fit and service Wireless Alarms (Okay a little radio related). They pride themselves on their "100% Customer Service". Servicing Wrexham, Chester, North Wales, Wirral and Shropshire they offer Free Consultation, Wireless Alarms, Installation, Servicing, Vacation Alarms.

For only £249 they can even fit a wireless alarm that calls your mobile when activated. Not that it would be much use to me as I have to turn my mobile off when I am in work, but it seems a good idea at an affordable price. If you are in the market for a new alarm give Dave a call, I can guarantee he is a genuine nice guy, does not have spurs on his boots, so will not take you for a ride and has worked in this business for some time.

Must say Dave I am not struck on the name, the spelling things with Z instead of S is a bit stuck in the 1990's and we gave up calling ourselves boys when we were ten years old. We were "Dudes" back then and the term boys was for little kids and sissies. I would have gone with something like Power Alarms or how about Mafia Alarms that should put the burglers off? AlarmNinja? Jedi Alarms? Dalek Home Protection System?

Good luck Dave!

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