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Wednesday, 5 May 2010

ZS8M callsign pirated

From DX World - ZS8M on 20m CW (May 5) is another PIRATE. The real ZS8M begins operations in a few weeks from now.

Why the hell these guys do it is beyond me. What is in it for them? A smug satisfaction that they have disappointed a whole pile of stations who will not be receiving a QSL card?

If anyone from DX World is reading this then can you please get rid of that stupid flash that comes up when I am reading your website. I know that Internet Explorer 6 is considered out of date and I use Firefox myself. The reason most people are still using IE6 is that their operating system is unable to run newer versions and why should they change? In my case this is a corporate PC and I am not allowed to do anything to it. The damned thing fills half the monitor and I am getting fed up with it.

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