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is an informative, cynical and sometimes humorous look at what is happening in the world of amateur radio.

Friday, 1 April 2011

SOTA Television - Portable Ham Radio Videos

Some of you may know that CQHQ my Amateur Radio blog is only one of a number of projects I have on the net. My Transmission Lines blog takes a big back seat to CQHQ but it is intended as a conduit for me to rant or rave about none amateur radio things such as politics, films and music. I also have a website which is being sadly neglected of late, but I intend to work on again.

Of all the projects SOTA Television is one of the biggest. In the few months since it started over 400 videos from Summits on the Air activations, Chasers shacks, and construction tips have been posted to the site. It is an on going process with extra information such as logbooks, summit information and links to personal blogs and websites being added all the time.

If you have a spare hour or two you will find some of the videos are not only interesting but some are very well and creatively produced.

If you are interested in tackling a summit, either as a SOTA activator or just as a hill bagger, entering the name in to the search may find you useful videos of the assent and give you a clue as to what to expect.

Please visit and enjoy SOTA Television.

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