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Thursday, 14 January 2010


CW is dead! It must be true was on the telly.

On UK TV show Most Haunted Live at the former RAF base at West Raynham in Norfolk Yvette Fielding and her team sent Morse Code messages using an iPhone application in an attempt to contact the dead. Naturally a series of knocks were heard in reply.

What sort of weak-minded idiot watches this superstitious crap? Why on Earth would any self repecting ghost want to talk to this bunch of fakers? Using an iPhone to send Morse Code would surely have any dead CW ops spinning in their graves. They would have had a better chance of contacting the dead by sending their CW on two metres or having a word on certain 80 metre nets where someone will be able to pass a message on for them sooner or later.
Personally the only ghosts that interest me are the ones in Ghostbusters Three when it finally gets made.

Derelicte – RAF West Raynhamhttp://www.derelicte.co.uk/raf-west-raynham

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